Source code for octocheese.core

#!/usr/bin/env python3
The main logic of octocheese.
#  Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Dominic Davis-Foster <>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
#  MA 02110-1301, USA.

# stdlib
import datetime
import functools
from contextlib import suppress
from functools import partial
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Union

# 3rd party
import click
from apeye_core import URL
from domdf_python_tools.paths import PathPlus, TemporaryPathPlus
from domdf_python_tools.stringlist import StringList
from github3 import GitHub
from github3.exceptions import NotFoundError
from github3.repos import Repository
from github3.repos.release import Release
from github3_utils.apps import make_footer_links
from packaging.version import InvalidVersion, Version
from pypi_json import FileURL, PyPIJSON
from shippinglabel.checksum import check_sha256_hash
from typing_extensions import Literal

# this package
from octocheese.colours import error, success, warning

__all__ = ["update_github_release", "copy_pypi_2_github", "make_release_message"]

[docs]def update_github_release( repo: Repository, tag_name: str, pypi_name: str, changelog: str = '', self_promotion: bool = True, file_urls: Union[Iterable[str], Iterable[FileURL]] = (), traceback: bool = False, ) -> Release: """ Update the given release on GitHub with the new name, message, and files. :param repo: :param tag_name: :param pypi_name: The name of the project on PyPI. :param changelog: The changelog entry for the release. :param self_promotion: Show information about OctoCheese at the bottom of the release message. :param file_urls: The files to download from PyPI and add to the release. Either the files URLs themselves, or mappings giving the URL and its sha256 checksum. :param traceback: Show the full traceback on error. :return: The release, and a list of URLs for the current assets. .. versionchanged:: 0.3.0 Now takes a very different set of parameters to the previous version. Please read the current documentation carefully. """ version = tag_name.lstrip('v') release_name = f"Version {version}" message_maker = partial( make_release_message, pypi_name, version, changelog=changelog, self_promotion=self_promotion, ) prerelease: bool = False with suppress(InvalidVersion): prerelease = Version(tag_name).is_prerelease current_assets = [] # TODO: List checksums in release message. try: release: Release = repo.release_from_tag(tag_name) # Check if and when last updated. created_at: datetime.datetime = release.created_at.astimezone(datetime.timezone.utc) # last_updated = UTCDateTime.strptime(release.last_modified, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z") if (UTCDateTime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=7)) > created_at: # Don't update release message if created more than 7 days ago. click.echo(f"Skipping tag {tag_name} as it is more than 7 days old.") return release # Update existing release release.edit( name=release_name, body=message_maker(release_date=created_at), prerelease=prerelease, ) # Get list of current assets for release for asset in release.assets(): current_assets.append( except NotFoundError: # Create the release release = repo.create_release( tag_name=tag_name, name=release_name, body=message_maker(, prerelease=prerelease, ) if not file_urls: return release with TemporaryPathPlus() as tmpdir: for pypi_url in file_urls: if isinstance(pypi_url, dict): checksum: Optional[str] = pypi_url["digest"] pypi_url = pypi_url["url"] else: checksum = None filename = URL(pypi_url).name if filename in current_assets: warning(f"File '{filename}' already exists for release '{tag_name}'. Skipping.") continue try: with PyPIJSON() as client: response = client.download_file(pypi_url) if response.status_code != 200: # pragma: no cover raise OSError(f"Unable to download '{filename}' from PyPI.") downloaded_file = tmpdir / filename downloaded_file.write_bytes(response.content) if checksum is not None and not check_sha256_hash(downloaded_file, checksum): raise ValueError(f"The checksums for {filename} do not match!") success(f"Copying {filename} from PyPI to GitHub Releases.") release.upload_asset( content_type="application/binary", name=filename, asset=(PathPlus(tmpdir) / filename).read_bytes() ) except OSError as e: if traceback: raise else: error(f"{e} Skipping.") continue return release
[docs]def copy_pypi_2_github( g: GitHub, repo_name: str, github_username: str, *, changelog: str = '', pypi_name: Optional[str] = None, self_promotion=True, max_tags: int = -1, traceback: bool = False, ): """ The main function for ``OctoCheese``. :param g: :param repo_name: The name of the GitHub repository. :param github_username: The username of the GitHub account that owns the repository. :param changelog: :param pypi_name: The name of the project on PyPI. :default pypi_name: The value of ``repo_name``. :param self_promotion: Show information about OctoCheese at the bottom of the release message. :param max_tags: The maximum number of tags to process, starting with the most recent. Set to ``-1`` to process all tags. :param traceback: Show the full traceback on error. .. versionchanged:: 0.1.0 Added the ``self_promotion`` option. .. versionchanged:: 0.3.0 * Added the optional ``max_tags`` option. * Added the optional ``traceback`` parameter. """ repo_name = str(repo_name) github_username = str(github_username) if not pypi_name: pypi_name = repo_name pypi_name = str(pypi_name) with PyPIJSON() as client: pypi_releases = client.get_metadata(pypi_name).get_releases_with_digests() repo: Repository = g.repository(github_username, repo_name) for tag in reversed([ for tag in repo.tags(max_tags)]): version = tag.lstrip('v') if version not in pypi_releases: warning(f"No PyPI release found for tag '{tag}'. Skipping.") continue click.echo(f"Processing release for {version}") update_github_release( repo=repo, tag_name=tag, pypi_name=pypi_name, changelog=changelog, self_promotion=self_promotion, file_urls=pypi_releases[version], traceback=traceback )
[docs]def make_release_message( name: str, version: Union[str, float], release_date:, changelog: str = '', self_promotion=True, ) -> str: """ Create a release message. :param name: The name of the software. :param version: The version number of the new release. :param release_date: The date of the release. :param changelog: Optional block of text detailing changes made since the previous release. :no-default changelog: :param self_promotion: Show information about OctoCheese at the bottom of the release message. :return: The release message. .. versionchanged:: 0.1.0 Added the ``self_promotion`` option. """ buf = StringList() if changelog: buf.extend(("### Changelog", changelog)) buf.blankline(ensure_single=True) buf.append(f"Automatically copied from [PyPI]({name}/{version}).") buf.blankline(ensure_single=True) if self_promotion: footer_links = make_footer_links( "domdfcoding", "octocheese", event_date=release_date, docs_url="", ) buf.extend(["---", '', "Powered by OctoCheese\\", footer_links]) buf.blankline(ensure_single=True) buf.append(f"<!-- Octocheese: Last Updated {today()} -->") buf.blankline(ensure_single=True) return '\n'.join(buf)
#: Under normal circumstances returns :meth:``. TODAY: = def today() -> str: return TODAY.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") _FooterType = Literal["marketplace", "app"] class UTCDateTime(datetime.datetime): # pragma: no cover @functools.wraps(datetime.datetime.__new__) def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): d = datetime.datetime(*args, **kwargs) return d.astimezone(datetime.timezone.utc) @classmethod def strptime(cls, date_string, format): # noqa: A002 # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin return datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, format).astimezone(datetime.timezone.utc) @classmethod def utcnow(cls): return